Friday, April 25, 2008

Industry Day

Industry Day was intense..................I hope all who came enjoyed the films. Good luck to everyone in the BAA Animation Class of 2008 we came a long way!!!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

DEMO REEL...................

Ok here is my new and improved 2008 demo reel with clips from CHAOTIC and my film cut into it...... hope you enjoy......


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The below images are my pages from the animation year book. They are to promote my two films LOVE AT FIRST FRIGHT and STAGE ONE.



HALF WAY done HALF WAY to go.............

Here is the update of how my film is going, STAGE ONE.
Music by Spencer Cole and Chris Wilies.

Hope you enjoy.....


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Legend of ZELDA movie trailers!!!!!!!!

Ok I'm sure everyone has seen these but I thought I'd post them considering my film's influence by the series. One is better than the other.

Better Trailer.....

Other Trailer.......


P.S. Keep in mind what day it is Today.